Hubert works directly with a wide diversity of client organizations to provide management consulting services. With over 25 years working in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors, Hubert brings a rich array of experience and wisdom to his capacity building work. Hubert has worked
closely with organizations of all sizes and disciplines—urban and rural. He has worked extensively with researchers and grant writers at UAB, Tuskegee University, and Auburn University and others to develop collaborative efforts to bring funding and viable programming to the region. One recent grant provided over 15 million dollars in funding from the Ford Foundation to assist in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Deep South. Mr. Brandon has worked with local and national leaders such as Coretta Scott King and others.
He has also served in elected public office and was responsible for: coordinating citizen involvement in government, management of community and economic development, supervised public employees (police, fire, road maintenance, zoning, tax collection, etc.) and contractors, maintaining communication with residents, businesses regional, state and national agencies. Developed and implemented a comprehensive zoning and land use plan that quadrupled township revenues. Prepared state and federal grant applications that resulted in the township receiving in excess of 14.5 million dollars. Developed and managed the Western Reserve Enterprise Zone and Recruited over 60 businesses to relocate to the township and assisted in the relocations. He Developed, negotiated, and reviewed tax incentive contracts with a variety of manufacturing, industrial warehousing and high-tech companies that resulted in more than 850 million dollars in capital investments and payroll. Developed tax-incentive review guidelines that were adopted into law by the Ohio Legislature.